Bandwidth romance

Share: Online dating is a phenomenon that spawned a billion dollar industry based solely on people’s desire to find someone to spend the rest of their life with. Sites like eHarmony and Match take all the things that attract one person to another and simplify it down to a formula for mass consumption. Follow:

Not so fast Mr. Rocha

Share: The severance package that was awarded to Mark Rocha upon his retirement has been a huge point of contention since the news broke in August. But just when it was beginning to look like the Mark Rocha versus the world saga was just starting to come to an end, more fuel has been added to the fire. The non-profit group Californians Aware is accusing the Board of Trustees of violating open meeting laws by not properly referencing any action to offer Rocha the package …

Is the MTA’s fare hike fair or not?

Share: The bus and train fares of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority increased on Monday, September 15. On the eve of hikes, there was not yet enough notices on the buses and trains, just some randomly placed small pamphlets. They were too tiny to be found, and apparently no one noticed. Follow:

Op-Ed: College seeks brave soul for difficult position

Share: One of the most important duties of a public relations director is to communicate with the press and other outlets in order to publish new information in a timely manner and to manage relationships with media outlets while making the organization in question look good. During the last year, those responsibilities were not consistently executed. Interim Director of Public Relations Valerie Wardlaw has moved on after a year at the position. She took on the position during one of the most controversial times for …