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Evening strolls through the old town of Prague, visits through imperial palaces, and trekking to see the former Berlin Wall are a few escapades that students can venture off to this summer with PCC’s study abroad program from August 10 through 23.In the summer session, the study abroad program is offering a trip to Austria, Germany, and the Czech Republic for a 14-day excursion. Students will be able to experience stays in Berlin, Dresden, Vienna, and Salzburg while rooming at three star hotels.

“During the trip, we will be visiting and taking a tour of each city with an expert local tour guide and see all the major sights for each city,” said James Keller, instructor and coordinator of the summer trip.

The trip is open to any PCC student 18 years and older signed up for the German culture and civilization summer session class. Those who are not affiliated with the school can simply sign up for the class. The course is also a three-credit transferrable class and is taught in English. To prepare for the class, only a single course textbook is required.

“Students meet up four times [for class] during the summer session [at PCC] and the rest of the class is considered the trip,” said Keller

Because of the special circumstance of the class, it begins May 1 rather than in the June summer session.

The itinerary for the course includes convening at the university for class twice, with the only assignments being short papers addressing what was learned at the museums.

“[The trip] is no more than $4,000, though it may vary because of circumstances,” said Keller.

The price encompasses a round trip flight, boarding in hotels, travel expenses between cities, entry to all sites, 10 all you can eat breakfasts, as well as two large dinners, according to the trip’s study abroad site.

“The experience is priceless. Professor Keller’s German civilization and culture course will simply come alive as he uses the cities and sights in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic as his virtual laboratory,” said Study Abroad Program Coordinator, Joseph Sierra.

To help cover the cost of the trip, Associated Students has $500 scholarships available for interested students. In addition to the scholarships, students can also see Keller about selling Baja Fresh certificates in which they purchase them for $3 and sell them for $5, whilst pocketing the remaining profit.

For more information, voluntary informational meetings regarding the trip will be held at 4P.M on Tuesday, Mar. 15, Thursday, Mar. 24 and Thursday, Apr. 7 in C248.

Flyers for the Study Aboard trip to central Europe are available on the second floor of the C Building. (Louis C. Cheung)

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