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Peals of laughter boomed out of the Little Theatre on Friday night as the Theater Department debuted “The Marriage of Bette & Boo,” a play by Christopher Duran, directed by Brent Keast.The play, performed on the quaint stage of the Little Theatre, performed is a show of humor and charming acts, which kept audiences on the edge of their seat for the duration of the night.

The story is set in the 1950s, allowing the crew to utilize whimsy costumes and props. The aesthetics seemed to lie in the make-up, as the young cast embraced their roles on stage.

“[The play] was pretty funny,” said audience member Daphne Chao, 18, child development.

“The make up [allows them to] look older than they really are.”

The make up was done by John Hanna’s Make up for stage and screen theatre art 10A and 10B class.

“The Marriage of Bette & Boo” follows the bride and groom from the start of their marriage as Bette, the eccentric wife, played by Naomi Barrett, who wants nothing more than the perfect marriage and several kids, pushes her alcoholic husband, Boo, played by Daniel Christante, to pursue the same goal as her. The story goes in depth with the characters, as real family themes, social issues, and symbols underlie the story.

Matt Hudlocke, played by Andy Ha, who plays the son of Bette & Boo, intertwines between acts narrating the story as well as performing in scenes, allowing the audience to see the marriage from the outside, and become intimate with the family all together.

The cast portrays serious messages through its many differing characters and adds comic relief simultaneously.

Josh Jin, 20, business, enjoyed the play.

“My favorite part was seeing the actors perform,” he said.

“They’re really good and professional.”

Remaining dates for the show are Thursday, at 8 p.m., Friday at 8 p.m., and Saturday, at 2 and 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the door at $10 for general admission and $5 for students and seniors.

Boo, played by David Christante, left, and Bette, played by Noami Barrett, enjoy their honeymoon before trouble ensues in the comedy “The Marriage of Bette and Boo” in the Little Theater on Saturday. (Louis C. Cheung)

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