Courier is a weekly publication of Pasadena City College with a web edition produced and edited by students as part of the journalism program. As a service to the campus community, the staff reports and comments on issues important to readers. Unlike any other program at PCC, Courier is independent from the college. It has been a unique medium for students, faculty , staff, administration and alumni to voice their concerns since 1915.
Courier, which was known as the Chronicle in its earlier years, was a service to the Pasadena community before the college was established. Once the campus transformed from a high school to a community college, the student newspaper made its changes alongside.
The newspaper has reached out to the internet-savvy audience through its online edition. The Courier’s weekly print edition is distributed on stands around the campus on Thursday mornings.
- EDITORIAL: Apologize about the real problem - April 23, 2014
- STATEMENT: District apologizes to Oscar winning alum - April 21, 2014
- EDITORIAL: The Forgotten Students - March 26, 2014