Share: The cutting of a ceremonial ribbon by the current and former presidents of the Associated Students at Pasadena City College marked the opening of a new student lounge in PCC’s CC building. The lounge offers students: air conditioning, wifi, and brand new furniture to work or relax in. After the COVID pandemic had ended during the 2021-22 school year, students started to return to campus, and with it, a need for student spaces was returned. When PCC reopened, the downstairs area of the CC …
$200 bookstore voucher ends without a word from PCC
Share: PCC’s previously provided $200 student Bookstore credit has been discontinued this fall as COVID-19 era funding and subsequent programs come to a close, throwing uncertainty into the accessibility of textbooks to the wider student body. “This semester I tried to use my bookstore credit and that’s when I saw the caveat where it’s like we’re not doing the bookstore credit anymore,” third-year PCC student Nathan Nava said. “But, if you receive financial aid, they’ll just take a chunk out of your financial aid. So …
All you need is a PCC ID: Tons of free resources exist for students
Share: Even as COVID era programs begin rolling back, PCC still has a number of free resources available to students all over campus. With a current PCC ID, students can access free food, textbooks, transportation, computers, wifi, research help, and tutoring. On the south side of the R building, the Lancer Pantry is open to all students on Tuesday through Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. “One of the biggest resources that I’ve taken advantage of is the Pantry. They have snacks you can …
Potential plagiarism and possibilities of using ChatGPT at PCC
Share: As ChatGPT has become increasingly popular and widely used, PCC has not created an individual policy on its use. Still, some professors have begun to set their own rules most commonly in writing-heavy classes, such as English, history, and even art. Under PCC’s course policies, which govern the operation of individual courses, does not currently have a section on the use of AI. However, it has a section on Academic Honesty and Authentication guidelines to serve as boundaries for how classes are conducted and …
BLOTTER: Vehicle collisions abound and pot use at PCC
Share: Monday, August 28, 2023 9:29 a.m.: An injured student on crutches was reported falling in Lot 8 and requested transportation to the health center, to which disposition and medical assistants acted quickly. 10:50 a.m.: Minor traffic collision between a motorist and an unaccompanied car, assisted by a campus officer, was reported in Lot 5 Level 3, resulting in a note being left on the car. 11:07 a.m.: Hit and run reported in Lot 5 Level 3, a report has been recorded. 6:27 p.m.: Two …
Police arrest PCC student in math class armed with Airsoft gun, knife
Share: According to an email sent by PCC’s Superintendent-President, the Pasadena Police Department and campus police arrested a student in a class on Tuesday evening for concealing an “Airsoft-type weapon and a pocketknife with a long blade.” The student was in a math class in the C-building and campus police were alerted to the situation through PCC’s Lancer Anonymous Tip Reporting System, according to PCC spokesperson Alex Boekelheide. “If you’re not able to use your phone, like if you’re in class or something comes to …
How much cash will the district’s third failed winter cancellation cost?
Share: After an agreement had been made to bring back the winter intersession for the 2023-2024 academic year, the college and the on campus Faculty Association (FA) have yet to come to a settlement number for legal fees and lost wages for the last couple years, according to a FA email sent in late May. This is the first time that PCC has had the winter intersession on the academic calendar since 2021. The Faculty Association has accused The District of negotiating in “bad faith” …
PCC chooses interim superintendent-president, will start in mid-July
Share: At the June Board of Trustees meeting, the Board selected Dr. Jose Gomez as the interim Superintendent-President while conducting the process to search for a permanent Superintendent, according to PCC Spokesperson Alex Boekelheide. The acting Superintendent-President who will serve from June 22 to July 23 is Dr. Laura Ramirez, who, under Dr. Erika Endrijonas, served as the Assistant Superintendent-President, according to Board of Trustees President Sandra Chen Lau. Dr. Gomez will begin serving at PCC following the ratification of his employment agreement in mid-July, …
Superintendent-President commits to new President’s job at SBCC
Share: According to a press release from Santa Barbara Community College (SBCC), Dr. Erika Endrijonas has been selected as their new Superintendent-president. Her employment is pending contract negotiations with the SBCC Board of Trustees, where a formal contract will be presented and voted on at their BOT meeting on June 15. Ongoing contract negotiations between the PCC Board of Trustees and Endrijonas spurred the job search, as accusations about the Board President attempting to invalidate the contract resulted in high legal fees, The Courier previously …
PCC Pride Center receives $10,000 for new support programs
Share: The PCC Pride Center, which serves queer students, is about to go through a revamp, as a $10,000 grant was awarded to the center. According to Enith Reyes, the grant will be used in service to PCC’s students, faculty and staff, and create spaces of intentional diversity, equity, and inclusion. “This program aims to promote the awareness of the sexual and gender diversity at Pasadena City College (PCC) and to make the LGBTQIA+ support network more visible to the rest of our students, staff, …