Growing COVID-19 cases aren’t shifting PCC policies

Share: As fall approaches there’s expected to be an uptick in coronavirus and flu cases, but Pasadena City College doesn’t anticipate making any changes to their vaccination policies in the future months.  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have approved new coronavirus vaccine shots and many pharmacies have already begun providing vaccine appointments for the boosters. The vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and older.  As new variants continue to emerge, federal health officials are recommending …

BLOTTER: Football player suffers spinal injury

Share: Monday, September 18, 2023: 6:37 a.m.: Officer escorted a person off campus from the second floor of the IT building.  7:22 a.m.: At the Community Education Center on Foothill, a man became agitated when he was asked to stop digging through area trash cans before entering the cosmetology building and yelling at students and staff. He was gone by the time officers arrived, but a report was taken. 8:25 a.m.: Staff members reported that a suspect wanted by PCCPD was in the GM building. …

After 3 dormant years, we’re still asking: What happened to the Aquatic Center at PCC?

Share: On Thursday, March 12, 2020, as Swim and Water Polo Coach Terry Stoddard ended another class at PCC’s Aquatic Center and the last students cleared the pool, none of them would’ve known that 3 and a half years later they wouldn’t be allowed back in at all. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and that fateful Thursday the Pasadena City College Aquatic Center has been closed to the public and PCC students. Due to needed repairs and discussions about whether or not the …

BLOTTER: Vehicle fire headlines car chaos in Lot 5

Share: Monday September 11, 2023: 7:20 a.m.: A student reported a homeless person who was locked inside a bathroom stall inside the Center for the Arts Building 1st floor. Officers made contact and confirmed the individual was using the restroom. 7:33 a.m.: Campus security reported three subjects were found sleeping inside of the Gymnasium. Officers confirmed the subjects were student athletes. 8:23 a.m.: Staff reported a fire alarm activation near the Science Village. Area was checked fine. 9:35 a.m.: Campus security reported an alarm activation …

Take courses anywhere: PCC joins virtual community college exchange

Share: Pasadena City College (PCC) has officially become part of the California Virtual Campus (CVC) Exchange, granting students the opportunity to take classes they otherwise wouldn’t be able to  without applying to a new school.  PCC is now a teaching college in this program, meaning, students enrolled in other California based colleges that are part of the CVC Exchange are able to add classes taught here to their current schedule. This also applies to students already attending PCC who would like to take classes only …

COVID’s still here, but emergency funding dwindles

Share: As Covid-era funding from the state of California trickles away, PCC is pressured to adjust its budget and increase enrollment before the ‘24-’25 school year to secure state funding that supports faculty and staff salaries in an uncertain post-Covid economy.  During the pandemic, community colleges across the state took a hit in enrollment. Since the Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) was implemented in 2018, attendance determines 60% of funding from the state. The other 40% is centered on equity in support for low-income students …

PCC’s Dual Admission guarantees first-year students a spot at a UC or CSU

Share: As of the new school year, Pasadena City College now offers first-year college students that were ineligible to attend a 4-year right after high school, an opportunity to earn the credits needed at PCC, under a 3-year Dual Admission program, then transfer out.  Dual Admission is a transfer admission guarantee for students that missed A-G requirements throughout high school which they can then acquire at PCC, A-G requirements consist of 15 year-long courses a high school student must pass with a C or higher …

Kinesiology dean terminated after investigation into misconduct

Share: On August 23rd, 2023 PCC’s board of trustees unanimously voted to terminate the employment of the school’s Kinesiology, Health & Athletics dean Dyan Miller. As previously reported by The Courier, Miller was placed on administrative leave in the beginning of the year following allegations of misconduct from fellow faculty members within the KHA division. During that time, PCC’s human resources department hired a third party to conduct an investigation into the allegations. The firm then reported its findings to the board of trustees which …

Board of Trustees begins search for permanent Superintendent-President

Share: After former Superintendent-President Dr. Erika Endrijonas left PCC in July, following months of uncertainty over a possible contract extension; the Board of Trustees has started the process of finding a new permanent Superintendent, a proceeding that is expected to take at least six months and possibly up to an entire year.  In prior reporting by The Courier, there was clear divisions on the Board of Trustees over Endrijonas’s contract, and how that entire process was handled, but it is not expected to have an …

BLOTTER: Possible firearm on campus and malfunctioning elevators

Share: Monday September 04, 2023: 2:11 a.m.: A Mother requested help locating her son that was possibly intoxicated on campus. Officer was unable to locate. 3:07 p.m.: Skateboarders were seen near Lot 2 via video surveillance. Individuals were asked to vacate premises. 3:17 p.m.: Skateboarders were seen via video surveillance between Lot 4 and the FS building. Individuals were asked to vacate premises. Tuesday September 05, 2023 3:10 a.m.: Individual was stuck in an elevator in Lot 5 parking structure. Found by officer and released. …