BLOTTER: Alleged samurai reported on campus

Share: Monday, October 30th, 2023: 9:46 a.m.: Multiple students reported a male attempting to speak to them as they were entering the L-Building.  11:54 a.m.: CDC staff reported a male was acting erratic near Lot 11 and jumped over a wall into 151 S Hill Ave. Pasadena Police were contacted by PCCPD.  12:29 p.m.: Staff member was transported to the Health Center after falling inside the CC building and injuring their head.  5:01 p.m.: Area check was conducted for a male who approached a female …

BLOTTER: PCC police respond to alleged bonfire

Share: Monday, October 23, 2023 6:39 a.m.: Officers advised a person sleeping in front of the IT building restrooms to leave the area. 6:52 a.m.: Officers advised a person to leave the east side of the CEC campus. 11:01 a.m.: A student injured her leg on campus and was transported to a hospital in an ambulance. 2:50 p.m.: A student reported her car was hit in lot 4. 3:43 p.m.: Staff reported that a physical altercation was taking place in the mirror pools. The people …

PCC aims to modernize campus as tech rapidly advances

Share: With the amount of technology used at schools now, PCC has taken that into consideration and thought of implementing more modern features throughout the campus, such as accessible outlets and charging ports, and remodeling older buildings into future projects.  Students noticed a lack of accessible outlets in classrooms and academic buildings to charge their devices, which are crucial to their learning. This is mainly due to the year in which most of PCC’s academic buildings were built, in the 1920s.  “Building standards and student …

PCC students join national walk-out to protest the Israel-Hamas war

Share: Recent escalation in violence in the Middle East spilled over to U.S. campuses, including PCC, as students and faculty address the long and brutal conflict between Israel and Hamas. On Wednesday PCC’s Anti-War Club put up a demonstration, part of a national walk-out calling for Israel to cease fire, repel the occupation, and stop U.S. funding of the jewish state. “We’re calling for an immediate ceasefire,” Colin Montoya, a PCC anti-war club member said.“Of course, this won’t solve the conflict but at least for …

BLOTTER: Shh or librarians will report you to the cops

Share: Monday, October 16, 2023: 6:58 a.m.: An officer discovered vandalism on the West wall in Lot D at CEC. Reported taken 10:22 a.m.: A staff at CEC reported a male was yelling in the hallway, and the situation was resolved when the officers arrived. Reported taken. 2:26 p.m.: A fire alarm company advised an activation occurred in the IT building. Where the company reset the alarm. Reported checked fine. 3:36 p.m..: A Library staff reported a student not complying with their Quiet floor policy. …

New community college diversity rules sparks political fire

Share: As of mid-October, California Community Colleges are instructed to implement diversity, equity, and accessibility (DEIA) policies that were first introduced in 2020, though professors across California are pointing to how their free speech may be impeded by the implementation of these policies in their tenured reviews.    Several California community college professors recently filed lawsuits against local leaders in response to their districts’ implementation of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) on campus. California community college districts had until Oct. 13 to incorporate the rules …

Students appreciate extra sick days provided by new state law

Share: In the latest blitz of legislative action in the state, Governor Gavin Newsom signed on Oct. 4, 2023 a California Senate Bill that increased the number of  sick days per year from three to five.     Students at Pasadena City College welcome the new changes with relief and appreciation.  Renzo Palomino is a freshman biology major at PCC, complemented on the new law not for himself, but for his mother who works as a dental assistant and FedEx employee.   “She thinks that law will benefit …

PCC set to create first responder training facility in Fall 2024

Share: Pasadena City College is planning a first responder’s hub that will house the new wildland firefighter program, fire technology classes, EMT program, and a paramedic program. “I think it’s a good thing,” said EMT instructor, Joseph Kalilikani. “I think that the opportunity to put students closer to their goals, because most of our students are in the Fire Department route, so being in the neighborhood of the Pasadena training grounds, and the fire science stuff, and if the paramedic program gets off the ground …

BLOTTER: Person parks car on stairs at Galloway Plaza

Share: Monday, October 9, 2023:  10:54 a.m.: Animal Control was called to help catch a bat that was flying inside the CA building stairwell. 1:28 p.m.: A student reported her backpack was stolen from the locker rooms in the CA building 7:44 p.m.: A man pacing by his vehicle was reported by a student in Lot 4 level 3. The man was also spotted with an unidentified substance on his hands that he had gotten from his trunk. The responding officer approached the man who …

Low crime continues at PCC, yet fear persists

Share: The Clery Act federally requires all colleges and universities to record and publicize specific campus crime statistics and safety policies. PCC’s Annual Campus Safety Report covers crimes reported on the main, Foothill, Rosemead, and PCC’s Northwest campuses. This year’s Annual Campus Safety Report shows nearly the same rate of low crime since 2020, a trend consistent since 2016 even considering the recent decrease in enrollment due to the pandemic.  Of reportable crimes, the largest numbers are mostly property theft. In 2022 across all four …