Don’t let Texas whitewash its racist past

Share: Texas is flooded with bills from Republican lawmakers seeking to prevent teachers from teaching an honest and accurate account of the state’s racist past in its schools. One of the proposed bills, House Bill 3979, would prevent teachers from discussing current events with students. Restricting discussions about current events prevents students from understanding how history is relative to current and future events. The bills attempt to downplay its racist past by limiting discussion about how racism has shaped our society, especially politically. The bill …

Hold drugmakers accountable now for the opioid epidemic

Share: After decades of increasing opioid related deaths correlating with increasing pharmaceutical profits, opioid manufacturers are only beginning to be held accountable for their role in the nation’s opioid epidemic. The efforts by big opioid manufacturers to shift the blame onto doctors only exposes their unwillingness to accept any amount of responsibility for the opioid epidemic they created and promoted. The counties of Los Angeles, Santa Clara, Orange County, and Oakland began trial on Monday pursuing claims against four companies including Johnson & Johnson, Teva …