A photo story

Share: The journalism department at Pasadena City College didn’t always include photojournalism classes. Initially, the Courier newspaper students relied on art photography students to provide images for their stories. When Mikki Bolliger was hired as a faculty adviser for the student newspaper in 1972, she said that working with students from a different department was often trying. Follow:

Students learn at lunch with influential LA-based abstract painter

Share: Mary Weatherford remembers her first and most influential experience viewing art as the time she visited UC Santa Cruz at the ripe age of 5 and saw “The Fruit Room”.  It was a student art exhibition in a vacant room underneath the dining hall that consisted of supermarket fruit advertisements pasted over every visible surface. “I saw it in 1968 when I was 5 years old and it really stuck with me,” said Weatherford. “As young artists, there may be things you saw when …

Shared governance debates open meeting law in wake of Brown Act lawsuit

Share: A lawyer specializing in the California Brown Act open meetings law will hold training sessions for the Academic Senate and shared governance leaders this month in an effort by the administration to clarify which bodies and committees are subject to the law—a topic that has caused confusion, debate and infractions within the administration and shared governance bodies. Follow: