From toys to space travel and candy to body parts, the grand opening of the “Fab Lab” this month showcased the groundbreaking technology that Pasadena City College offers in the emerging realm of 3-D printing.
Spazmaster; highlighting the true art in music
Share: For the last few years, Jennifer Perez has been going to local music shows and hunting down the original and unique sounds of underground musicians so she can broadcast them on her Lancer Radio show Follow:
The study of voodoo dolls, psychics, and witches
When browsing for classes to take during the upcoming semester, it is hard to miss this title in the course catalog: Anthropology of Religion, Magic and Witchcraft. The class’s title gives it a bizarre connotation but in reality it is a common area of study for anthropologists. At UCLA, the course is called Anthropology of Religion. The name of the course here at PCC retains “witchcraft” partially due to its occult appeal.