High-scoring midfielder Charlie Gallardo is PCC’s Female Athlete of the Year

Share: First-year lancer Charlie Gallardo is the epitome of what a student athlete is meant to be. As a dedicated 4.0 student in the classroom to a determined and skillful player on the soccer field, Gallardo was rightfully named this year’s PCC 2023-2024 Athlete of the Year Award.  The freshman midfielder had an impressive season this year with 10 goals and six assists overall. Half of which being game winning goals. But, to the humble Gallardo it came as a complete surprise to her when …

‘Liberation Through Education’ posters covering classrooms promote inclusivity

Share: Over spring break the Academic Senate (AS) put up posters to introduce the “Liberation Through Education” campaign in most classrooms on campus, as a part of an effort to bring cultural awareness and inclusivity to Pasadena City College (PCC).  AS President Gena Lopez and faculty created the “Liberation Through Education” campaign and put posters up in classrooms over spring break in hopes of creating an institution where all students are celebrated.  The campaign idea began when Lopez started her term in office in 2021. …

‘Franny and Zooey’ comments on crisis of conformity

Share: What does it mean to be authentic in a time where individuality is diluted by ever-changing social media trends? The question of authenticity isn’t anything new—humans have always struggled with how we fit in the spaces that surround us. In the short stories of “Franny and Zooey” author J.D. Salinger explores what it means to participate in society, whether we do so willingly or not.  Both short stories are set in 1955 New York City and begin with Franny Glass, the youngest of the …

Farm workers’ union president sows seeds of leadership with PCC Equipo

Share: In August 2022, the United Farm Workers Union marched from Delano to Sacramento, following the same path labor leader Cesar Chavez took in 1996. Inspired by Chavez’s achievements, this 335-mile march was held in hopes of passing the California Agriculture Labor Relations Voting Choice Act Assembly Bill. This bill would create more ways for farm workers to vote on union elections without pressure from growers or supervisors.  Marching in the heat of summer along those farm workers, for the second time, was the president …

Are parasocial relationships worth the commitment?

Share: Having a relationship with your imaginary friend is typical as a kid, but what about when you’re older and that imaginary friend turns into someone real—like a celebrity? The routine is the same: you laugh with them, cry when they lose, and get a little discouraged when they choose someone other than you. Should this type of behavior be taken into consideration? Parasocial relationships are one-sided emotional connections fans have with public figures and fictional characters. The term was coined by social scientists Donald …

Robinson relative headlines celebration of PCC’s Black abundance

Share: To walk down the Quad on Thursday afternoon was to walk into a community of diverse and innovative people. While students were browsing the booths of the market, the banging of drums could be heard throughout the Quad. From 12-2 p.m. not only did the Black and Brown Market thrive with creativity, but the lives and heritage of black people in the Ujima ending ceremony of Black History Month were celebrated with African drumming and tribal face painting.  The Black and Brown Market consisted …

Going green: a concept businesses can’t quite get the hang of

Share: Celebrities and social media stars are not the only ones abusing beauty-enhancing filters to escape imperfections–big companies have created eco-friendly filters to avoid their own flaws. This filter is better known as greenwashing. Organizations choose to spend more money on upholding their environmentally friendly status than making it a reality.  Greenwashing is a very harmful and lazy business tactic that will only create more damage to our planet. Real change to protect the planet and those in it is being delayed in exchange for …