‘Baby Reindeer’ is not christmas themed and definitely not for babies

Share: “Baby Reindeer” is an emotionally challenging watch but is indubitably one of the best pieces of media to come out this year. It follows the tragic story of an aspiring comedian who is being stalked by a woman he met while working at a bar. Not only is it completely insane watching this story unfold, but it is absolutely absurd that it also happens to be a true story being performed by the real life victim. The limited series has entered the race to …

‘Scott Pilgrim Takes Off’ has the guts to change the story

Share: Two decades ago in Toronto, Canada Scott Pilgrim was dating a high schooler and it was more problematic than my 16-year-old brain could comprehend. Recently, Netflix has released its anime adaptation ‘Scott Pilgrim Takes Off’ and by the end of the first episode the plot literally takes off, leaving the original storyline behind. It is possibly the boldest and smartest move any adaptation has ever done. The 2010 film ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World’ is considered by fans a perfect adaptation of the original …

Netflix’s monthly prices hike up a bad trail

Share: This month Netflix raised the prices of two of their monthly plans, on top of introducing a new 2-screen streaming plan for a lower price with the addition of ads. Along with the price hikes and password-sharing crackdowns, the idea of a cheaper plan with ads goes against what the original streaming model was and has been. Although ads aren’t necessarily the worst thing to happen to streaming, what separates streaming from cable now? “Netflix as a company seem out of touch,” second-year student …

‘One Piece’ sets sail for success in vast seas of live-action TV

Share: The long-awaited live-action adaptation of the world’s top-selling manga, “One Piece,” has hit Netflix as of last week (August 31). But as with any adaptation, it begs the question of whether or not this is any good, or if it’s a waste of time like many attempts at live-action anime adaptations. The eight-episode season put out by Netflix squashes the negative expectations held by fans of the series and/or other anime consumers. At the moment, it is ranked 3rd in this week’s Netflix TV …

‘You’ uncovers a murder mystery that lacks substance

Share: Following the success the Netflix series “You” has had since its first season debut in 2018, each season has made the show grow more popular. The recent release of its fourth season is entertaining, though falls flat in comparison to previous seasons. For those that are not familiar with this series, the story follows a literature fanatic named Joe Goldberg, played by Penn Badgley, who holds an unhealthy obsession with stalking women that could be potential lovers in his eyes. His obsession becomes lethal …

Netflix’s Squid Game is the show of the decade

Share: The new series “Squid Game” on Netflix isn’t a cinematic masterpiece, but no show is. Given each episode comes in at nearly an hour long, mastering every scene would be nearly impossible. But the show does, on occasion, have amazing cinematic sequences, with amazing camera pans, side-to-side point of view, use of color, composition, and framing. It is easily a decade worth of work.  Squid Game might be the best show in the world.  In the 4th episode, there is a scene where an …

SweatFest makes home workouts a party on IG Live

Share: During the past six months of pandemic restrictions, it has been a challenge to find ways to get enough exercise to keep from turning into a gelatinous blob. Although LA County gyms, yoga studios and fitness facilities continue to suffer from “outside only” limitations, Angelenos have found creative ways to keep in shape while staying connected to the outer world at large. In the early days of the lockdown, acclaimed choreographer Ryan Heffington became an unlikely touchstone for wellness activity, which rapidly spread around …

‘The Midnight Gospel:’ A bizzare and heartfelt journey

Share: Zombies have taken over one of the infinite versions of Earth as former earthling, Clancy, and his interviewee — the president nonchalantly enter a conversation about marijuana, opiates, valium and acid. As cartoon chaos ensues around them, they speak calmly until they themselves are turned into zombies and realize that being a zombie feels great. In the next episode, Clancy is in a completely different setting and onto his next “spacecast” conversation. From the creator of “Adventure Time,” Pendelton Ward, along with podcaster and …