Share: Since PCC’s campus closure, its usually crowded classrooms and packed hallways are now reminiscent of a ghost town. The rooms where club officials used to meet in droves to discuss the exciting events they had planned for the semester are empty. Students who were once able to participate in extracurricular clubs on campus are now left to entertain themselves in their homes, far from the hustle and bustle that once existed. Follow:
Thinking is critical to professors, students in theory club
Share: In the corner of an office sits English professor Shane Underwood, the Critical Theory Club (CTC) adviser, hunched over his desk, trying to figure out how to connect his printer to his computer. While he was away on his sabbatical last year, a couple of things got rearranged – apparently his printer was one of them. Follow:
Popular professor returns with doctorate and philosophical discourse
Share: “I don’t know what it means to be a professor,” Shane Underwood told me. We were sitting in his office on an early afternoon of spring semester 2017 with about four other students crowded in on whatever available chairs they could find. Others stand in the doorway or spill out into the hallway, playing live action Frogger trying to stay out of the way of the passing professors. The low light from the desk lamp, the mini fridge and TV monitor on the walls …
Critical Theory Club unpacks white fragility
Share: Discussing white fragility in the current political climate is not an easy task. Emotions run high, racial animus can rear its head and those involved can walk away with no benefit. When the Critical Theory club on campus hosted a discussion on white fragility last Wednesday, the discussion went as well as could be expected. Follow:
Theorizing ‘girl culture’ with Dr. Ronjaunee Chatterjee
Share: Pasadena City College’s Critical Theory Club hosted its first lecture of the semester with guest speaker Dr. Ronjaunee Chatterjee on Wednesday night. Follow: