There are plans to open up a 7-Eleven across the street from PCC, and while many are excited because of the convenience it would bring, what they don’t think about is the problems that come with it as well.
OP-ED: Social media has a responsibilty to protect users information
In the age of lightning fast information and sharing one’s life on the Internet, social media users have to be careful of what they post. There are people out there waiting to get ahold of personal information to scam, sell something, or steal someone’s identity.
OP-ED: Users become face for social advertising
Share: For those out there still consistently using Facebook, you might have scrolled through your news feed recently and come across what looked like a normal post, until you realized it was an ad for a product one of your 700 friends liked. Follow:
OP-ED: Four-year degrees need to stay at four-year institutions
The California Community College system is considering a plan to offer baccalaureate degrees at community colleges.
OP-ED: Community colleges should give four-year degrees
Community colleges are designed to be two-year schools but a lot of the time students take classes for four or more years just to transfer.
OP-ED: U.S. War on Drugs, an expensive exercise in futility
The focus of the War on Drugs needs to be changed to fit a contemporary landscape. Decriminalization would be more effective in combatting the spread of drug use.
OP-ED: Posters create atmosphere of fear
They’re plastered on classroom doors and walls, available in convenient pamphlet form and even blown up to draw attention.
OP-ED: Posters that may help save lives
Some may find the Lone Shooter posters around campus silly and others may even snicker at them but the life they save may be your own.
OP-ED: Shutdown, the most pointless ever
As the U.S. is in its second week of a partial federal government shutdown, many are placing the blame on the Republican-run House of Representatives.
OP-ED: The blame game in congress over the shutdown is ridiculous
The media would have you believe that the shutdown was the Republicans’ fault because they don’t like Obamacare. But that is not the case.