Share: You are not going to get Ebola, OK? You can come out of the isolation tent you’ve constructed out of Home Depot tarps and stop coating your entire body in Purell. Follow:
Columbus Day vs. Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Christopher Columbus has long been lauded as a national hero for discovering America. In schools across the United States, schoolchildren learn about his voyage to America and his subsequent unearthing of riches. In fact, the whole nation celebrates this discovery with Columbus Day, which lands on the second Monday of October. Recently, however, the Seattle School Board has decided to do away with this holiday and replace it with the more appropriate Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
Editorial: Money isn’t always the answer
Share: PCC has paid Dustin Lance Black close to $26,000 to not take legal action against the institution after Black was disinvited to be the commencement speaker back in May. Follow:
Should Bill Simmons have been suspended?
Share: In an NFL season that has been filled with controversy and turmoil through the first month of the 2014 regular season, the drama continues. This time, the biggest sports network in America, ESPN, is now involved. Follow:
Climate change isn’t changing minds
On September 23, 2014 world leaders met for the global climate summit hosted in New York by the U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The goal of the meeting: to bring awareness to the issue of climate change and encourage political goodwill for a legal universal agreement in Paris next year.
Bandwidth romance
Share: Online dating is a phenomenon that spawned a billion dollar industry based solely on people’s desire to find someone to spend the rest of their life with. Sites like eHarmony and Match take all the things that attract one person to another and simplify it down to a formula for mass consumption. Follow:
Are online streaming services causing drops in network television
Share: Recently, Internet streaming services have begun gaining traction over traditional TV service providers. With Netflix’s recent expansion into TV, and soon to be movies, is the traditional model of network television even relevant anymore? Follow:
Beauty in the Miss America beauty pageant is only skin deep
Beauty Pageants have come under the spotlight once again after John Oliver, in a mix of investigative journalism and comedy, mocked the Miss America pageant from everything to it’s scholarship claims to the bathing suit portion of the competition.
Not so fast Mr. Rocha
Share: The severance package that was awarded to Mark Rocha upon his retirement has been a huge point of contention since the news broke in August. But just when it was beginning to look like the Mark Rocha versus the world saga was just starting to come to an end, more fuel has been added to the fire. The non-profit group Californians Aware is accusing the Board of Trustees of violating open meeting laws by not properly referencing any action to offer Rocha the package …
Is the MTA’s fare hike fair or not?
Share: The bus and train fares of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority increased on Monday, September 15. On the eve of hikes, there was not yet enough notices on the buses and trains, just some randomly placed small pamphlets. They were too tiny to be found, and apparently no one noticed. Follow: