With the recent outbreak of measles, more and more parents are making the choice to vaccinate their children. But there are still those that choose to leave their kids unprotected from these easily preventable diseases.
The Homeless Count
Share: Day in and day out, thousands of homeless men, women, and children, from a variety of backgrounds, drift through the streets of Los Angeles County, panhandling for money to buy their next meal and searching for somewhere safe to spend the night. Busy onlookers pass them on their way to and from work or school, yet few stop to offer them help, no matter how little that may be. To the rest of the world, these people are misunderstood and labeled with denigrating and …
Courier celebrates its 100th anniversary
More than 100 years ago, Shirley W. Owen, Kenneth Fuessle and their staff of high school writers set out to start a student publication that would provide a source of news and information to the school staff and student body.
OPINION: Racial slur eradication: Are we there yet?
Share: Today, seeing or hearing a racial slur can feel like a slam backward through time. In general, as progressive as our society would like to think it is, there are reminders that there are still many living in the dark ages of socially acceptable language. Follow:
Oscars snub minorities in nominations
Share: The amount of ethnically diverse Academy Award winners and nominees can probably be counted on one hand. Last year alone the film, “12 Years A Slave”, a low-budget film directed by an almost unknown African-American director, Steve McQueen, made history by winning Best Picture. Some critics agreed and others believed it won due to its almost controversial issue on slavery. This critic, believes without a doubt, it was the rightful winner. Yet once again, Academy Awards season is here and so are the nominees. …
OPINION: Honoring MLK the right way.
Share: Those who protested during the celebration of Martin Luther King’s birthday honored the late civil rights leader in the best way imaginable. This year’s celebration of the holiday was marked by a series of protests around the nation. Protestors were upset over the deaths or Michael Brown, Eric Garner and others at the hands of police. Activists were encouraged to use the day to participate in public service and peaceful demonstration of social issues, two of the things that King was known for in …
No such thing as digital privacy
Last week, a collection of photos emerged via an anonymous 4Chan user with fully convincing nude photographs of over 100 female celebrities, among them superstars Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and Ariana Grande. Prone to curiosity, many people in the web-surfing world viewed the photos within hours, and with that came the quake of nauseating reality that in this digital age, there is truly no such thing as privacy.
Less than golden moment at the Globes
Share: The prestigious 72nd Golden Globes ceremony quickly hit a sour note when hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler made numerous jokes involving the on-going Bill Cosby scandal. Follow:
Charlie’s right to blaspheme called into question
The latest issue of French satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, shows the prophet Muhammad holding a sign that says “I am Charlie”. However, this gesture, which was supposed to be about the freedom of the press, has instead created an “us/them” mentality between Muslims and the supposedly open-minded West.
Charlie Hebdo didn’t go too far
The newsroom at Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine, was planning a new issue when their right to blaspheme came under attack.