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I should like to commend our student volunteers who presented the other side of the abortion issue graphically for the first time on our campus. Pictures don’t lie. But there is more to the abortion issue that photos cannot illustrate. Adult human lives. The fetus may be destroyed and many are, but the mental anguish connected with it can never be measured.

I, personally, having been one of ten children would not be the person I am today had I not grown up with my six brothers and three sisters whom I cherish.

That experience nurtured my love of people, many who are presently my students, and someone’s precious daughters or sons. I am most grateful to my parents for having given me the gift of my siblings to be who I am today.

-E.C. Orozco, Coordinator, Chicano Studies

As I walked by the Justice For All graphic anti-abortion display that was on campus last week, I witnessed several people, students and faculty, arguing with some of the display’s sponsors.

We know that, as humans, we are constantly trying to get our needs met.

The sponsors of the display are not only trying to get a message across, but they are also trying to get their emotional needs met.

One of their needs is to receive attention for their cause.

If we keep giving them attention, they will return.

The best way to extinguish is to ignore, not engage.

Treat them as if they don’t exist and they will be less likely to return; this is a fundamental concept of human behavior.

-Richard A. Beyer, Counseling Psychologist

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