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This story has been edited for clarity since it was originally posted

Massive police presence and angry students clashed at the June 20 Board of Trustee meeting, causing the Board to recess to another room.

At least 16 police officers and cadets lined the walls of the meeting, including Chief Stanton Perez who was hovering around the podium.  Another eight stood by the doors searching everyone entering the building.People were not allowed to bring any liquids into the building. At least another five uniformed personnel lined the hallways, limiting access to parts of the building.

The meeting was disrupted during public comment when one person was cut off before finishing, causing some in the audience to become angry and yell at the board. The board recessed while police calmed the situation.

During public comment, mathematics student Sarah Belknap was asked to step aside after her five minutes were up, following board policy.

Belknap requested two more minutes, but was denied. Board President Geoffrey Baum asked Chief Perez to escortBelknap from the podium, as students in the audience yelled supporting Belknap.

The board then took a thirteen-minute recess, while Perez spoke to the audience. Many of the student and community members used their public comment time to express the anger with the large amount of police presence.

“It looks like a police state,” said Bajin Bahmani “Its like we are being conditioned to just obey in society,” Bahmani said.

Kevin Clinton said that there were lots of cadets and police in the room, and “the lack of recording of the meeting is very unwelcoming.”

“The only weapon we brought is our voice,” former student Jocelyn Silva said about the police presence at the meeting.

Baum said that the officers were there to ensure safety, make sure that the meeting followed procedure, and to ensure that there could be civil discussion.

“I asked Rocha to make sure we could conduct the business of the meeting,” Baum said after the meeting. “The podium is a free speech zone,” Baum said, but added that policy and rules must be followed at the podium.

Trustee Jeanette Mann said that the uproar from the students only hurt their cause. “I don’t think this helps their cause by not following directions, as students they could use this as a learning opportunity,” Mann said.

“I am very pleased that Baum recognized the comment cards which is what I want to emphasize for every meeting,”  said Associated Student Trustee Hannah Israel, who was sworn into her position at the meeting.

Associated Student President Simon Fraser said that, “this meeting was a lot better than the last one, people got to say what the wanted to mostly… I look forward to it being in Altadena next time.”

One student sat and stared at Perez for over an hour, following him everywhere he went. Perez seemed unfazed. Perez was unable to comment on the police presence at the meeting.

Baum did point out several threatening public comment forms. Many calling the board fascists, and calling for a “guillotine as the only way to cut from the top.”

Trustee Baum requested that the board come up with a new schedule, and continue the community listening tour.

“It’s important to open up and bring new perspectives,” Baum said before requesting Rocha to all upon whatever staff he has left to work on the new schedule.

Nicholas Zebrowski
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