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Guns, sex, witty banter, and an evil genius are not always found in the same movie, but The Losers, released Friday, has got them all. It is a 90-minute movie full of action packed fight sequences and sex scenes.

Clay, Jensen, Roque, Pooch and Cougar are on a mission to track down Max, the evil genius who set them up and to clear their names. Clay is the leader of the group, Jensen is the awkward tech savvy guy, Roque is level headed and no-nonsense type of guy, Pooch will drive anything with an engine, and Cougar is the mysterious sniper of few words.

The group is a black ops team for the CIA and when their mission in the Bolivian jungle goes haywire they are presumed dead and blamed for the death of 25 children. Aisha later joins them with the same goal in mind, kill Max, but has a hidden agenda that isn’t revealed until later in the movie.

With their combined talents the motley team sneaks back into the United States and embarks on its mission, full of explosions, gunfire and computer hacking.

As in most Hollywood movies, there was a sex scene between Aisha and Clay. It seemed unnecessary to the development of the plot, but didn’t completely detract from the film.

One good thing about the movie was that you didn’t have to read the comic book series in order to understand it. Everything is set out throughout the course of the movie, which makes it enjoyable to watch. It fulfills one’s need to watch an unrealistic violent film.

Anyone could enjoy this film because it isn’t purely intended for male viewers, as some action movies tend to be.

This movie is definitely one you want to catch in theaters.

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