Out of touch media circus leaves real stories on the slopes

Share: Oscar-winning actress and bone broth aficionado Gwyneth Paltrow spent a week in court to get to the bottom of what really happened on the Bandana Ski Slopes one fateful February morning. The trial was live streamed all over social media to ensure that fans of the actress didn’t miss a moment of the court room drama.  The trial began on March 21 with Paltrow rocking a classic pair of Jeffrey Dahmer glasses, which are a staple in any courtroom. Terry Sanderson originally sued Paltrow …

Elon Musk is a sinking ship but Twitter will stay afloat

Share: As much as its downfall is being anticipated, Twitter is not going down anytime soon, even if it is run by a billionaire man-child. All Elon Musk has proven since he acquired the app is that retail therapy only works in the moment.  There have been many changes to Twitter since October of last year, such as the way people see their feeds and the process of getting a verified badge. While these do not seem like drastic changes, it has become a bit …

Willow Project: See Alaska before there is nothing left

Share: I went to visit Alaska early in 2023. The amount of wildlife and untouched natural beauty was breathtaking. Future generations will not be able to enjoy Alaska’s natural beauty like I did. The scenery, the animals, the history, the food, the landscapes and the peacefulness are all reasons people choose to visit Alaska. With the Willow project in place, visitors will no longer be able to enjoy the scenery. Visitors will not be able to go on wildlife tours in Alaska. Harming the planet …

Trump: From White House to courthouse

Share: On November 16, 2016, the United States of America and the world at large was forever negatively changed. On that day, Donald Trump won the 2016 presidency and, in the following year, on a bitter January day, his presidency was confirmed at the Inauguration in D.C.  Donald Trump, the well known spoiled New York socialite, was not expected to win the coveted position as one of the most powerful figures in the world—however he did. In his time as president, Donald Trump pissed off …

Everything the Oscars got right and wrong, all at once

Share: 2023’s Oscars were full of celebrations and awards that were long overdue to several individuals who broke records. It seems to be from this historic night that Hollywood and the Academy are starting to give a lot of recognition to actors that went unnoticed for too many years by the film industry. Despite this, there are a handful of POC that were overlooked by the Academy this year, having been robbed of nominations and wins due to potential racial bias.  An award that did …

Ahead of the election, Newsom is the only person fit for president

Share: As the divide between the right and the left grows wider and wider, the rise of large political personalities has taken center stage. Enter Gavin Newsom, the current governor of California and a key democrat who has made quite the name for himself in recent years for being a staunch defender of progressive politics. He breezed through a flimsy recall election in 2021 and has been on the offensive against aggressive right-winged policies over the last year or so. Despite the aforementioned attempt at …

Child marriage in the U.S. puts the ‘lock’ in ‘wedlock’

Share: Many Americans do not know that child marriage is still legal in the U.S. Often times when people think of child marriage few people think of the U.S. The amount of loopholes placed on child marriage in the U.S. is insane. Only seven states have the minimum age for marriage as 18, meanwhile seven states in the U.S. currently have no minimum age for marriage. Two states in the U.S. require the minimum age of 15 to get married. 25 out of 50 states …

Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign is a wrong step in the right direction

Share: Nikki Haley, former governor of South Carolina and United Nations ambassador, announced her intentions to join the 2024 Presidential race. She will inevitably face the G.O.P.’s long history of party sexism. Although it is seen as a sign of progress that a woman is entering this upcoming presidential race, especially in the Republican party, Haley is not the ideal person for this step in progress.  Haley announced her presidential bid via Twitter this past February. In a large portion of the video, she claims …

California’s wishy washy water policies are a wasted opportunity

Share: California for the last few months has faced one of the wettest winters on record after three years of crippling drought. But without balanced water policies and management plans, we’re either letting all of this rush out to sea, or letting it all get caught in reservoirs. This is a failure of balance in a state of extremes.  Without many of California’s water policies in place, we’d be a dry, desolate wasteland. But there’s also the argument that water regulators do too much to …

Walgreens chooses conservative money over abortion access

Share: The still simmering political regression in the United States hit a boiling point when pharmacy chain Walgreens announced that they would stop offering the abortion pill mifepristone in 21 conservative states on March 2. According to the Food and Drug Administration, mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone from allowing further development of a pregnancy before another medication called misoprostol induces cramping and bleeding, ejecting what cell structures have developed, effectively ending pregnancy. Despite being considered a safe process, Republican attorneys general in these states made …