Lakers, Lancers, Legends

Share: Michael Cooper, former member of the infamous Los Angeles Lakers “Showtime” team, at one point it seemed unlikely that he would make it to the NBA after he failed a junior college English class. Faced with such a challenging situation, Cooper’s humility came to the fore when he persevered and exhibited many champion-like qualities that allowed him to successfully overcome this lesson that had a profound impact not only on his education, but also in his life and career. Follow:

Print to digital

Share: Print is dying. Digital is the future. At least that seems to be a common topic of discussion these days among journalists. Media has come a very long way since the first printed word, and drawings on cave walls have transformed into Facebook posts on iPads. Follow:

A photo story

Share: The journalism department at Pasadena City College didn’t always include photojournalism classes. Initially, the Courier newspaper students relied on art photography students to provide images for their stories. When Mikki Bolliger was hired as a faculty adviser for the student newspaper in 1972, she said that working with students from a different department was often trying. Follow:

Riots, thefts and murder

Share: 8 – Escaping the Riot Alfredo Santana, a PCC student who immigrated to America from Mexico, thought he wouldn’t make it home that night. Driving to drop off magazines at a 7-11 in Inglewood during the L.A. Riots of 1992, Santana was terrified out of his mind when he was stopped by a group of men in the road.  The men proceeded to jam a large metal flag into his windshield, kicked open his rear window, and dragged him out of the car. He …