Otakucentric talkshow brings Japan subculture to PCC

Share: She held her hand in the air with five, four, three, two then one finger up. Immediately, the room went into almost complete silence. The only sounds came from the light clicking that the switchboard made as fingers glided effortlessly from switches to buttons. Outside the room, the “On Air” light came on warning people not to enter or make too much noise and with that, Otakucentric was officially live. Well, almost. Follow:

The Goonies and thousands descend on City Hall for pet friendly event

Share:   The line up near city hall was 100-plus deep waiting to get in, with thousands already inside. Equipped with beach chairs, blankets, picnic baskets, and pets on leashes, families en masse came to be entertained Saturday and see Richard Donner’s 1985 family classic, “The Goonies,” on an enormous blowup screen in the Centennial Square of Pasadena City Hall. Follow: