Share: The kinesiology department recently hired a student worker and two college assistants to train to use the BOD POD body composition tracking system in the Human Performance Lab (HPL). Follow:
Obama’s gun control move backfires
Share: President Obama hit the ground running in 2016, renewing his initiative to implement what he calls “common sense gun laws.” Though the President’s recent executive actions mirror laws that California has been implementing for years, they will have an effect on gun violence in the Golden State. Past attempts by the President to push for gun reform have been met with strong opposition by Republicans in congress and members of the pro-gun lobby, and rightfully so. Since it’s not the responsibility of the executive …
Sanders’ socialism will suffocate the U.S.
Share: Socialism, as it’s always been, is the candy coated poison sold to the tired, hungry, and oppressed masses of the world. There has never been a more widely accepted lie than the false promises of socialism in the history of the world. The theory of socialism came about during the first French Revolution when monarchs ruled with almost absolute power and the most of the wealth of the country was held by the church and rich aristocrats, who had been deemed tax exempt. Now …
Lancers softball lose focus along with last two games
Share: The women’s softball team lost against the Moorpark Raiders on Friday and the Southwestern Jaguars on Saturday. Follow: