On February 27th, 2014, the 9th Circuit Court ruled in Dariano v. Morgan Hill Unified School District that the principal of Live Oak High School acted within his constitutional rights by requesting that students remove their American flag t-shirts on Cinco de Mayo.
Calendar Committee recommends calendar with winter
The Calendar Committee voted 17-2 to recommend a calendar that includes a winter intersession after the administration had already given the go ahead for an operational calendar that does not include a winter intersession to be put into the scheduling system.
Piano ensemble puts the passage of time to music
Share: Students tickled the ivories in the Westerbeck Recital Hall for the production of “Tempus Fugit,” Latin for “Time Flies,” on Saturday April, 26 Follow:
iPad app enhances learning at PCC
Share: PCC Instructor James Maloney posts a question to his Calculus class using the Su-Kam Intelligent Education System (SKIES) on his iPad. His students post their answers anonymously on electronic cards through the app. Maloney reviews his answer with the class, then reviews the cards submitted by the students as they follow along on classroom-provided iPads. PCC has gone digital. “When I saw the [SKIES] app, I realized it could have a huge impact on teaching,” Maloney said. “Here is a really awesome format that …
OP-ED: Political correctness shouldn’t trump freedom of speech
While taking everyone’s feelings into consideration is important, someone’s freedom of speech should never be silenced for fear of not being politically correct.
Public Health Director Placed on Leave After Pulling Out of PCC Commencement
Share: The city of Pasadena has placed Public Health Director Dr. Eric Walsh on paid administrative leave after videos surfaced online of Walsh’s controversial religious sermons, according to a statement by City Manager Michael J. Beck released earlier today. Walsh recently cancelled an engagement to be the speaker at PCC’s 2014 commencement ceremony on May 9 amid questions about whether or not he was publicly approved by the Board of Trustees. Walsh was scheduled to be the speaker after Oscar winner and PCC alumnus Dustin …
PCCPD and PPD work to slow down CDC school zone speeding
Share: Years of complaints from PCC’s Child Development Center about dangerous driving near the campus prompted a traffic sting operation last month and campus police hope further safety measures will soon be put in place. Follow:
OP-ED: Hard work is the solution for students of color
According to a recent University of Texas at Austin report, male students of color have lower academic outcomes than White male students who are significantly less engaged.
Board votes to re-invite Dustin Lance Black
The Board of Trustees voted to apologize and re-invite Oscar-winning PCC alumnus Dustin Lance Black to be the Spring 2014 commencement speaker following a weeks-long controversy over the school’s decision not to choose him because they believed sexually explicit photos of him on the internet could tarnish the school’s reputation.