Social media challenge approaching social moral concern

Share: In the last few years, social media “challenge” has become a popular movement, but it’s also become a dangerous trend. Participants sometimes receive serious injuries and potentially linking to death, and furthermore social concern. If you are familiar with social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, you may have experienced or watched some challenges. The Cinnamon Challenge, swallowing cinnamon powder within a minute without water, was one of the first popularized trends on the Internet a couple years ago. Although nearly 300,000 challengers …

The road to Make Music: Pasadena to Seattle

Share: Former PCC student Eric Lilavois’ attachment to the Crown City, and its culture, diversity and potential as an entertainment hub extends into his business as a music producer, studio owner, musician, and songwriter. “I went to PCC very briefly,” said Lilavois, owner of Crown City Studios in Pasadena. “My education in music has all been in the studio.” But his connection with PCC did not end there. In 2010, Lilavois’ brother, Randy, served as the head coach of the PCC Women’s Soccer Team before …