Same-sex marriage continues to be the subject of heated debate. California, for example, has recently moved Proposition 8 to the hands of the Supreme Court after judges of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals voted against reconsidering the overturning of the measure, saying that it served no purpose and instead was meant to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California.
Compassionate instructor gets recognition
Anthropology Professor Lauren Arenson is an instructor who challenges students instead of having them regurgitate information from a textbook.
Annual piano ensembles concert captivates audience
Pianos were dueling June 2 in Harbeson Hall for the annual piano ensembles concert. The night included performances from PCC’s Ivory Rose and La Majeur quartets, recent winners at the 2012 International Six/Eight Hand piano competition in Bavaria, Germany.
Senoirs gear up to graduate
Students who are now graduating, or transferring were able to pick up their cap and gown at Grad Fest on May 31 at the Creveling Lounge.
High schoolers emulate United Nations representatives
Teenage voices engaged in animated discussion, interspersed with solemn diplomatic speeches, reverberated in the hallways of the C Building on May 25.
Grad Fest
Students who are now graduating, or transferring were able to pick up their cap and gown at Grad Fest on May 31 at the Creveling Lounge.
The Spazmaster reins in fresh music
An energetic atmosphere dominated the Lancer Radio studio as preparations were finalized for a live musical performance on the weekly online stream-cast show, The Spazmaster’s Domain, on June 1.
Accused won’t testify in slaying trial
Former PCC student Isaac Campbell who’s accused of killing his girlfriend Liya “Jessi” Lu will not testify in his own defense in his second trial, the court heard Tuesday.
One-act operas connect with audiences
Vocal students and professionals joined together for a showcase of one act operas in the Sexson Auditorium June 2.
Exhibited art student finds inspiration in LA subcultures
For two years Michael Alpert, 25, photography, dedicated himself to car rentals. He was good at deceiving, a required skill in the competitive auto rentals world, but he hated it. Now Alpert is exhibiting his work at the Pasadena Museum of California Art.