Cheer, dance tryouts held

The Lancers’ Cheerleading and Dance department held tryouts on May 24-27 in the W building. Siria LoVett, cheerleader coach for nine years, encouraged new and returning cheerleaders to audition for the squad. Although PCC has never had a competition squad, LoVett is hoping to build a squad to compete against other schools.

Students get fit for the summer

Wondering how you can get a smoking hot beach bod before the end of the semester? Student’s confessed their secrets for staying fit for the season.Every morning, Emil Aghadjanian, 20, business administration, said he starts off his morning with a high-protein strawberry milkshake to get him energized for the day.

Tape installation rises in Galloway Plaza

PCC students, faculty and onlookers were intrigued when a plastic installation was seen hanging between the pillars in Galloway Plaza on Monday. Many wondered if it was a project from either the arts or engineering departments but they were surprised when they found out it was a project developed by students in the architecture program.

$10 student fee’s future in the balance

A year after its implementation, the Board of Trustees will vote next week on whether to continue charging the $10 per semester student activity fee. The topic was hotly debated at a Board meeting on May 18, as trustees expressed differing viewpoints on the effectiveness of an extra fee for students during the current difficult economic times.

Former football coach sues college

Former Head Football Coach James Kuk has filed a lawsuit against the college district and Board of Trustees for more than $200,000, plus additional unspecified damages, over his termination almost a year ago. This is the second consecutive time that a former football coach has sued the district.

New Inscape magazine hits shelves

For the avid reader, flipping through the pages of a new book holds some excitement, especially when the book is filled with their own work, or the work of their friends and fellow classmates.Every year, the English Division invites students to submit their work to be considered for publication in Inscape, PCC’s literary magazine that is published every spring.

Several options for those coping with stress of finals

Students are preparing for the upcoming finals week, starting Monday, by keeping their books and study guides handy, and taking advantage of popular studying areas that include the Shatford Library and Creveling Lounge.The preparation for finals may be stressful on the students but many are looking for ways to minimize the stress and clear their mind to ensure a positive test-taking experience.