The men’s soccer team got back on track as it won its fourth match of the season by a score of 4-1 against College of the Desert on Sept. 9.
Custodians a college asset
Trash left carelessly on the PCC campus does not magically pick itself up, nor do the floors and toilets of the restrooms scrub themselves clean.
New security cameras being installed
PCC’s Police and Safety Services have begun the installation of 145 new security cameras to monitor the school in addition to the 53 currently operating cameras. The project, which was begun in April, is expected to be complete by December, officials said.
REVIEW: ‘Broadway’ production returns for encore
Broadway Songbook VII, produced and directed by the Theater and Dance Instructor Richard Kuller, returned for a successful encore performances on Saturday and Sunday.
LGBT figures need to be part of our history
LGBT history is important and should be taught in school. California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed Senate Bill 48, which will require public schools to prohibit discrimination toward and include contributions from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered figures in history in the curriculum.
Making dreams come true
At last, a historic day was marked for illegal immigrant students, as the first half, AB 130, of the California dream Act of 2010 was signed by Gov. Jerry Brown on July 25.
Students, counselors have advice for new arrivals
Returning students and counselors offer tips that significantly help incoming new students get the most out of their years at PCC.
Trendy clothes on a low budget
Fellow students provide tips for when broke college students want to dress fashionably while staying within their budget.
First technology executive joins management team
PCC’s first ever vice president of information technology, Dwayne Cable joined the executive team this summer. He will be focusing on bringing PCC’s technology into the 21st century.
Faculty exhibit inspires campus community
The Core Sample Exhibit of faculty art opened on Sept. 8 in the PCC Art Gallery.