A recommendation put forward last Thursday to help ease the $11.2 billion deficit California faces includes raising community college student fees. The recommendation comes from a nonpartisan group called the LAO (Legislative Analyst’s Office) that provides analysis to the state with regard to fiscal and policy matters.
PCC Tests Its Emergency Preparedness in Local ‘Shake Out’ Exercise
WEB EXCLUSIVE – PCC joined thousands of participants in southern California in what is said to be the largest earthquake simulation drill in history.
Student Named Member of Rose Court
As the city of Pasadena begins preparation for its 120th Rose Parade, PCC can boast of having a presence in the parade’s royal court.
Walking For a Cure
A never-ending stream of over 9,000 men, women and children started their 5K or 2.5K walk as the buzzer went off on Sunday morning’s Walk for Hope to Cure Breast Cancer at the City of Hope campus in Duarte.
Economic Woes Hit Students
Current economic turmoil has resulted in a drastic shift in student behavior.
Intolerance Shown Towards Gays in Election
What a relief to finally be able to transcend race! Surely it justifies our unwillingness to acknowledge gay people as wanting, needing or deserving equal rights. After all, it’s not like gay people have suffered the way that other groups have historically suffered.
Atmosphere in Library Not Conducive To Studying
Many students would probably believe that the best place to study on campus would be in the Shatford Library. After all, it seems like a sensible and rational place for someone to engage in quality study time.