Communicating concepts by spoken word can be difficult when speaking in a second language. Now, think of doing just the same, only with no words at all.
Surfing Hawaiian Flavor Just Across the Street
“Bringing a taste of Hawaii to Pasadena” is the motto of the local hangout for PCC students.
Disabled Student Wins Award from City
A disabled PCC student/employee has been honored with an academic achievement award by the Pasadena Mayor’s Committee for Employment of Persons with Disabilities.
Thanksgiving Provides Embarrassing Moments
Thanksgiving has the propensity to create memorable events that carry with one for the remainder of their lives. It is a day of celebratory football, face stuffing, and first class family fun. But a day surrounded by familiar faces often births events that end up more embarrassing than they are heart-felt “Charlie Brown” moments.
WEEKEND: Jessica Perez
Twenty-year-old Jessica “Jess” Perez is a spirited sociology major who, after two years at PCC, is getting ready to transfer to UCLA in the spring, in hopes of someday becoming a social worker.
New Sculpture provokes discussion
Seemingly overnight, a new, bright-green sculpture by Yutaka Sone has sprouted on campus. Planted firmly in cement on the grassy bank between the U building and artist Jody Pinto’s running stream, Sone’s giant “Baby Banana Tree” is the latest acquisition for PCC’s sculpture garden.
Proposed Budget Recommendation Stands To Affect Students
A recommendation put forward last Thursday to help ease the $11.2 billion deficit California faces includes raising community college student fees. The recommendation comes from a nonpartisan group called the LAO (Legislative Analyst’s Office) that provides analysis to the state with regard to fiscal and policy matters.
PCC Tests Its Emergency Preparedness in Local ‘Shake Out’ Exercise
WEB EXCLUSIVE – PCC joined thousands of participants in southern California in what is said to be the largest earthquake simulation drill in history.
Student Named Member of Rose Court
As the city of Pasadena begins preparation for its 120th Rose Parade, PCC can boast of having a presence in the parade’s royal court.
Walking For a Cure
A never-ending stream of over 9,000 men, women and children started their 5K or 2.5K walk as the buzzer went off on Sunday morning’s Walk for Hope to Cure Breast Cancer at the City of Hope campus in Duarte.