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Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience for many students because not only do they have the opportunity to travel to another country, but because they learn to appreciate a new culture while completing general education classes.

PCC is the only community college that has a study abroad program in Florence, Italy. Students will spend three months living in the heart of the city and learn all about the Italian culture and become emerged Italian lifestyle

The lead instructors this year are Dr. Karen Carlisi, associate professor of linguistics, English and English as a second language (ESL) and Dr. Rita D’Amico, associate professor of Italian.

“It’s a life changing experience and a great way to be in one of the most beautiful cities in the world,” Dr. Carlisi explained.

Christopher Rodriguez, a former PCC student, participated in the study abroad Florence program in 2008.

“It was the best experience I’ve ever had,” Rodriguez said. “I met so many great people and learned so much about the Italian Culture.”

Dr. D’Amico stressed the fact that students shouldn’t wait to study abroad because once they attend a university because the cost only increases.

Based on a minimum enrollment of 25 students the cost per person will be about $8,200, excluding airline taxes and PCC tuition. But financial aid may be available from PCC and scholarships are available.

Any student is welcome to participate, the only requirements are they must have completed one semester of college and be 18 years of age.

“Studying abroad shows a student is mature, responsible, face different challenges,” Dr. D’Amico said “I encourage strongly how important it is for everyone to leave and study abroad.”

Students are required to enroll in an Italian language course and to take a minimum of 11 units.

“It was fun learning Italian,” Rodriguez said. “I never felt completely out of place because I learned enough Italian to always find my way around.”

Some classes that are being offered are, humanities one: introduction to the humanities, Italian 50: Italian film as dramatic literature and Linguistics/English 12: Intercultural communication. The school week is typically only four days, leaving many opportunities for students to travel.

There is also a 10-day break near the end of October, which allows students to travel and explore more than just Italy.

“We want to encourage students to broaden their horizons,” Dr. Carlisi said. “This is a life changing experience that allows so much personal development.”

Included in the cost is a museum pass for each student, which allows unlimited free entry to various museums and chapels, a three-day, two-night stay to Rome as well as other accommodations.

Application for the Florence program are available online, in the Academic Affairs Office, Room C229 or by calling 626-585-7480. And the deadline to apply is the end of May, but it is encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

There will be an informational session Apr. 17, 12 p.m. in C111 and 6 p.m. C217.

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