How to tame a Want Monster

Share: “It’s called the ‘Want Monsters’ and it’s about this boy who has a very big want monster,” Romero said. “It’s an imaginary friend that follows him around. And when the kid wants something, his want monster makes him want it even more. So, he has a cupcake, and Oscar—that’s the name of the want monster, makes him have five more and he gets sick. So throughout the story he learns how to tame him and by the end he becomes a tiny want monster—his …

Call her Super Mom

Share: She describes herself as a “go getter” and there is nothing that can stop this supermom from achieving her goals. Twenty-six-year-old Amanda Murillo of El Sereno has no problem juggling being a full time student at Pasadena City College, President of the Paralegal Association, and being a mother to her seven-year-old daughter Alexis. Follow: